There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who are a shoe that people can tell whether or not it fits without trying it on and those who are a shoe that people have to actually try on to know whether or not it fits.

It’s okay to be either. Just remember that if they know whether or not the shoe fits without trying it on, makes you a CLICHÉ.

Clichés are good because they are predictable hence easier to deal with; Familiar and not scary. They are something people are used to. Expectations are always met.

If you’re a WEIRDO, good luck. You gonna need it in this world. People don’t like strange. Unfamiliar is scary and most of all unpredictable. If they can’t predict, then they don’t know what to expect as the word itself states. This translates to unmet Expectations and people don’t like that.
They always want their fantasies satisfied. Its the way of the world.

So chose which shoe you want to be if you can. If you can’t like some of us, well, you gonna need way more luck than those who chose to be Weirdos.


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